First Jack-O'-Lantern Experience
A jack-o'-lantern is a carved pumpkin, turnip or beet, associated chiefly with the holiday of Hallowe'en, and was named after the phenomenon of strange light flickering over peat bogs, called will-o'-the-wisp or jack-o'-lantern. In a jack-o'-lantern, the top is cut off, and the inside flesh then scooped out; an image, usually a monstrous face, is carved out, and the lid replaced. It is typically seen during Halloween.
The origin of Jack o' Lantern carving is uncertain. The carving of
vegetables has been a common practice in many parts of the world, with Gourds being the earliest plant species domesticated by humans c. 10,000 years ago, primarily for their carving potential- ( source: wikipedia )
Trick-or-treating or guising is a customary practice for children on Halloween in many countries. Children in costumes
travel from house to house in order to ask for treats such as candy
(or, in some cultures, money) with the question "Trick or treat?". The
"trick" is a (usually idle) threat to perform mischief on the homeowners
or their property if no treat is given to them. ( source: wikipedia )
Trick or treat is just around the corner with that being said, My kiddies are well prepared with their costumes. My daughter will gonna be Cinderella and my son will gonna be Power Ranger. I'm beyond exited to see them trick or treating this year, their both prepared and know what's trick or treat all about.:) I'm sure we gonna have fun on Halloween! How about you? Any plan for Halloween? Any carving ideas or tips wanna share. I'm more than happy to know.:)
Check out below our first carved pumpkins. Enjoy the rest of the week! I'll see you in few days for more recipes.
Things you'll need:
Carving tools
Trash Bag
Tea light- to light up the carved pumpkins at night
Stencil- bhg.com- free printable pumpkin stencils
( My daughter's Pick- BOO-tiful Kitty Cat! )
Directions:1.) Take the bottom part of the pumpkin, use spoon to scrape the inside cavity of the pumpkin. Clean it really good make sure no seeds left.
2.) Using your stencil printed in the computer, trace it over your clean pumpkin. THAT'S IT!
Note: If carving for simple pumpkin face you don't have to use stencil. Whatever makes you feel easy and comfortable..
3.) Follow the stencil line then start carving, start with the most difficult one like the eyes, tale, mouth and ears. Then do the rest slowly!
( My son's pick- SPOOKY Ghost )
4.) After done carving, wipe the carved pumpkins. Make sure that everything looks good. Wait for night time to come and light up the carved pumpkin using the tea light. I think its about time to grab some Iced Pumpkin Cookies.. wink:)
Kiddies super LOVED the carved Pumpkins-- Yay! that's what its all about
Making sweet unforgettable memories!
Happy Halloween Everyone! See you in few days for more exciting and fun recipes..
Making sweet unforgettable memories!
Happy Halloween Everyone! See you in few days for more exciting and fun recipes..
(xoxox- sweetcuisinera)