Leche Flan/ Caramel Custard Recipe
Sweet Morning everyone!
Excitement overload!!because we are going to do trick-or treating today. My kids are been waiting for this day- we are literally counting the hours right now hahaha!wohoo! I'm excited for my kids! Talking about excitement. How about a super easy Leche Flan recipe? oh yeah! I finally posted Leche Flan recipe after almost 3 years of blogging- As you may all know, This is one of my favorite dessert next to macaroni salad and mango float. I remembered all those sweet memories with my family back home, eating and sharing Leche Flan every weekend, So, this recipe is special to me-:) To be honest, I was kinda intimidate to make Leche Flan at first, but when my craving strike. I decided to make it right there and then, so spontaneous. It also a good recipe idea if you have a lot of eggs on your fridge, although we only need the eggyolk on this recipe, you could used the egg whites to make Pasencia Cookie which is also, by the way sooo delicious! or maybe a ham and egg white sandwich in the morning? Yum!
This recipe really work for 4 individual serving and came out just perfect! I would recommend to double the quantity for larger crowd. I love to make extra for myself for personal consumption purposes..wink:)-- It's also really good toppings for HALO-HALO as well. Do you agree? I'm like drooling right now.. hahaha! Are you excited and ready to make some Leche Flan? Come on! join me in my kitchen as we unfold my Leche Flan foodie escapade. I'll promise you! this is a super delicious journey!:)

Notes: This recipe is good for 4 individual serving. Adjust the quantity for larger crowd. Make sure that you stir the custard mixture gently to avoid air pockets on the flan ( which I didn't do on this recipe..ooops! for future reference ) Enjoy!
6 Egg yolk
1 can evaporated milk
1 can condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4- 1/2 cup granulated sugar- caramel sauce
4 ceramic bowls/ flan molder- used whatever you have in hand.:)
1.) In large bowl combine the egg yolk, condensed milk, evaporated milk and vanilla. Mix well until everything combine. Set aside.
Note: Mix the mixture gently to avoid bubbles on your flan.
2.) Time to make the caramel mixture. Simply put the granulated sugar in pan, turn heat into medium low. Let the sugar melt and caramelized to perfection. Turn off the heat and we are ready to assemble our delicious flan.
3.) Line up the ceramic bowl, add 1-2 teaspoon of caramel sauce depending on sweet you want it to be. Pour the custard mixture evenly.
Notes: I did steaming process and Baking process. Both came out just perfect! I would personally love the baking process because I can fit all four ceramic bowls at one time.
4.) If you do BAKE your Leche Flan- Preheat the oven into 350 and bake for one hour. Make sure that the Leche Flan is bake with water bath. The warm water should be halfway full with the ceramic bowls.
5.) If you do STEAM- I used rice cooker on this recipe and its perfect! I did steam mine for good 1 hour.
6.) Let it cool down completely. Served the Leche Flan upside down. ENJOY!
Warning!!! This dessert is so addicting- wink!:) Share your love on this recipe by dropping a comment below. I'll see you in few days for more awesome, delicious recipes. Keep it sweet and simple. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone!
xoxox- Melgie
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