Pineapple Hopia Recipe

Hello Everyone! How was your week doing so far? Last week, my daughter started kindergarten and I couldn't be more happier. It's been a hectic schedule for me and still getting used to my new routine. I'm so happy to share that my kindergarten made her first week. She definitely love school! Anyways, talking about school and what not? I have a really awesome recipe that you could make for school lunches and even perfect for any special occasions. Pineapple Hopia is a perfect after school merienda that your kids will love and enjoy. First, lets talk about what is HOPIA?- its basically a pastry dough filled with sweet or savory filling. It's flaky, sweet and just simply delicious. It's very popular in the Philippines for snacks and favored gifts to friends and relatives. This is also one of my favorite snack! So, the other day I made a Pineapple Hopia for my family and it was a SUCCESS! Hopia is usually filled with Mungbean paste or Ube ( purple yam) Since, I don't have those ingredients on hand. I used crushed pineapple instead. It was delicious! The flavored just blend in with flaky hopia and the sweetness of the pineapple. Yum!- That's the story behind this Pineapple Hopia (wink)
The recipe was inspired by my desire to munch on some hopia. I terribly missed it! and now I'm so glad I'm able to just make my own anytime I want. I found the dough recipe online (totally forgot the site) and its super easy to make. I suggest to give the Pineapple Hopia a try but the Classic Hopia flavor is also really good. Are you excited to make some Hopia? C'mon join me in my kitchen and lets bake some! This is going to be a fun surprise for your kiddies when they get home from school... wink!
- Notes: Feel free to used available hopia filling you have like Monggo Beans, Ube or Pork.
Hopia Filling-
(1) 20 0z can Pineapple crush
1/2 cup sugar
- Notes: Put the dough mix in two separate bowl.
Dough #1
2 cups of flour
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup butter
Pinch of salt
Dough #2
1 1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup shortening
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
- Eggwash - for finishing touch.
1.) Cook the filling by combing the pineapple and sugar into a pan. Stir and mix until the pineapple feel sticky and the juice dissolve. Set aside and let it cool.
2.) Now, Its time to make the dough by mixing all the ingredients separately for dough#1 and dough#. I suggest to used different color bowls when mixing the dough.
3.) After you mix the dough separately. Take dough#1 into light floured surface and roll it flat about 1/2 inch thick. Put dough#2 on the top and spread it nicely around dough#1.
4.) Carefully roll the dough, gather the edges and set it aside. Repeat the process until all the dough is roll up.
5.) Preheat the oven onto 400 Fahrenheit.
6.) Sliced the roll dough into small pieces, see the photo below for reference. Roll the sliced dough into lightly floured surface, put the filling on the middle, collect on the side and form it into little ball and flatten it before putting into the pan.
7.) Repeat the process until all 18-24 hopia is done. The size varies depending on how big you want it to be.
8.)Brush the Hopia with eggwash and bake for 15-20 minutes or until its golden brown on top.
9.) Enjoy your fresh bake hopia. Yum!
Pretty easy huh? I told you and its delicious!. I think this is the best time to bond with your friends and simply make some hopia while waiting for your kids to get home. I enjoyed the whole process of making Hopia, I think its so much fun! especially when you smell it all over your house.
I hope you smell that sweet faky delicious hopia and be inspired to make it at your own kitchen. Until next time everyone! I hope you love hopia as much as I do. Share me your favorite hopia flavor on the comments below. I'll be reading them all..:) Enjoy the rest of the day and See you in few days for more awesome recipes:)
xoxox- Melgie
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